- free movie免费电影
- auction house拍卖行;
- apartment house of corridor access走廊通路公寓房屋;
- apartment housen.<美>隔成公寓的建筑物;
- brokerage house经纪行;
- bring the house down赢得观众的掌声;
- bring down the housev.博得满堂喝采;
- block house线路所,甲板掩蔽部;
- bath housen.澡堂,公共浴室;
- color movie彩色电影;
- chapter housen.牧师会礼堂;
- forcing housen.温室,温床;
- field housen.运动场的储藏室或更衣室,运动场周围的房子;
- go to a movie去看电影;
- horror movie恐怖影片;
- halfway housen.两地间中途歇脚的小客栈,路程之中途地点;
- movie clipn.影片剪辑;
- open housen.家庭招待会,招待所有来宾;
- on the house由店家[公司]负担费用,免费,免费赠送;
- pump house水泵房;
- 双语例句
There was a movie house there.
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